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6 Apr

Life-Work balance – the real thing

Is there such a thing as a Life-Work balance? Been meaning to write an article on this subject but wanted some more months to pass so that I could have a real input. 

The core

I have been rather picky in choosing the right full-time job, and the reasons go from

  • the simple fact that some jobs just did not offer too many possibilities to grow and develop,
  • some jobs had very repetitive tasks – despite being in the same field,
  • for some it just did not make sense to have a full-time job while the salary was not making a difference than having a freelance one,
  • and of course, I have to mention it here, the click between me and the possible boss, just was not there. 

It all starts with knowing what you want from a job, and that comes in time, with experience; as I did experience choosing a job only for the salary and did not consider THE CLICK; choosing a job only for the click and did not take into account the DEVELOPMENT POSSIBILITIES. And believe me when I say, the results were from disastrous to hilarious … really don’t know how to say it nicer. 

The results

While I listened and prioritized my needs, I can say I succeeded in really finding that Life-Work balance

Life-Work balance meaning

Let me start by saying what is Life-Work balance for me (and as you see I start this with Life, not Work)

Life-Work balance, while at the core is the same, having a equilibrium between the personal and the professional life; each of the boxes from the family life and professional life weight differently for each – thus the way each of us see this harmony is different. What is important basically is feeling and experiencing it.

For me

My Life-Work balance represents my wellbeing.

My wellbeing starts with my family, being able to spend time with them, cooking, relaxing together; with me, being able to do all my pampering and take care of my needs – sounds selfish but while I do compromise, there are some things I do not compromise; with my friends, being able to at least catch up on the phone and as well meet on regular basis and ends with my job, doing what I love, working with people I like, growing in the direction I want and learning from challenges only to become better at what I do. 

So, my Life-Work balance has my set of rules, and they work for me. 

And this is how I landed on my current job that I actually love! By following the main things that represent my wellbeing – family, friends, myself, and my career. Does it tick all the boxes for me? It really does.

For me it is not about weighing down how many hours you work, when you work. It is about knowing that I have flexibility, I am trusted, people show respect for my family and me and at the end of the day, I am happy.


It is not weighing everything to the limit as this really is not the idea as we all have different needs. It is about knowing what WELLBEING means for you and what your NEEDS are.

Start with knowing yourself well and only after this will you be able to decide what Life-Work balance means for you.

Certainly, do not compare your life to the others as the each of us have different needs and give different degree of importance to things. 

This is what makes us humans 🙂 and the world would be boring if we were all the same. 

Have you experienced Life – Work balance or do you experience it? 


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Diana Sterescu
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